Dedre Gentner

Alice Gabrielle Twight Professor of Psychology & Education

Curriculum vitae


Department of Psychology

Northwestern University


Relational Learning: Common Signatures Across Four Different Contexts

Susan J. Hespos, D. Gentner, Stella Christie, Qiuchen Ma, Benjamin D. Jee, F. Anggoro, Kenneth D. Forbus

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2023

Spatial alignment supports comparison of life science images.

Nina K Simms, Bryan J. Matlen, Benjamin D. Jee, D. Gentner

Journal of experimental psychology. Applied, 2023

The Less is More Paradox in Relational Learning

Erin M. Anderson, Apoorva Shivaram, Susan J. Hespos, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2023

Verb Metaphors are Processed as Analogies

Daniel C. King, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2023

When do Children Pass the Relational-Match-To-Sample Task?

Apoorva Shivaram, Ruxue Shao, Nina K Simms, Susan J. Hespos, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2023

Spatial Alignment Facilitates Visual Comparison in Children

Yinyuan Zheng, Bryan J. Matlen, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2022

Spatial alignment facilitates visual comparison in diagonal structures

Bryan J. Matlen, Steven Franconeri, D. Gentner, Benjamin D. Jee, Nina K Simms

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2022

Spatial supports for comparison in educational science images

Benjamin D. Jee, Bryan J. Matlen, Monica Greenlaw, Nina K Simms, D. Gentner

Instructional Science, 2022

Tracing the developmental trajectory of children's relational learning

Apoorva Shivaram, Elsa Brundige, Lucas Guy, Susan J. Hespos, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2022

Analogy Generation in Science Experts and Novices

Micah B. Goldwater, D. Gentner, N. LaDue, J. Libarkin

Cognitive Sciences, 2021

Learning same and different relations: cross-species comparisons

D. Gentner, Ruxue Shao, Nina K Simms, Susan J. Hespos

Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2021

No evidence for language benefits in infant relational learning.

Erin M. Anderson, Yin-Juei Chang, Susan J. Hespos, D. Gentner

Infant Behavior and Development, 2021

Students Prefer to Learn from Figures that Include Spatial Supports for Comparison

Bryan J. Matlen, D. Gentner, Nina K Simms, Yinyuan Zheng, Benjamin D. Jee

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2021

The origins of same/different discrimination in human infants

Susan J. Hespos, D. Gentner, Erin M. Anderson, Apoorva Shivaram

Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2021

Verb Metaphoric Extension Under Semantic Strain

Daniel C. King, D. Gentner

Cognitive Sciences, 2021

Verbs are More Metaphoric than Nouns: Evidence from the Lexicon

Daniel C. King, D. Gentner, Fanyi Mo

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2021

Analogical Comparison Promotes Theory-of-Mind Development

C. Hoyos, W. Horton, Nina K Simms, D. Gentner

Cognitive Sciences, 2020

How Do Verbs Change Their Meaning? Evidence for Minimal Subtraction

Daniel C. King, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2020

Is Snow Really Like a Shovel? Distinguishing Similarity from Thematic Relatedness

D. Gentner, Sarah K. Brem

Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2020

Metaphor Comprehension: From Comparison to Categorization

Brian F. Bowdle, D. Gentner

Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2020

Running Head: SPATIAL ALIGNMENT Spatial Alignment Facilitates Visual Comparison

Bryan J. Matlen, D. Gentner, S. Franconeri, Bryan J. Matlen


Simulating the Effects of Relational Language in the Development of Spatial Mapping Abilities

Thomas Mostek, Jeffrey Loewenstein, Ken Forbus, D. Gentner

Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2020

Spatial alignment facilitates visual comparison.

Bryan J. Matlen, D. Gentner, S. Franconeri

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2020

Spatial alignment supports comparison of life science visuals for 7th graders

Nina K Simms, Benjamin D. Jee, Bryan J. Matlen, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2020

Cognitive Science Is and Should Be Pluralistic

D. Gentner

Topics in Cognitive Science, 2019

Co-thought gestures during abstract relational reasoning

Misha Ash, Kensy Cooperrider, D. Gentner, S. Goldin‐Meadow

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2019

Explanation recruits comparison in a category-learning task

B. Edwards, J. Williams, D. Gentner, T. Lombrozo

Cognition, 2019

Finding the middle: Spatial language and spatial reasoning

Nina K Simms, D. Gentner

Cognitive development, 2019

How Does Current AI Stack Up Against Human Intelligence?

Kenneth D. Forbus, D. Gentner, J. Laird, T. Shultz, A. S. Nobandegani, Paul Thagard

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2019

Incremental Structure-Mapping

Kenneth D. Forbus, R. W. Ferguson, D. Gentner

Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2019

Polysemy and Verb Mutability: Differing Processes of Semantic Adjustment for Verbs and Nouns

Daniel C. King, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2019

Relational labeling unlocks inert knowledge

Anja Jamrozik, D. Gentner

Cognition, 2019

Simulating Similarity-Based Retrieval: A Comparison of ARCS and MAC/FAC

K. Law, Kenneth D. Forbus, D. Gentner

Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2019

Spatial Alignment Enhances Comparison of Complex Educational Visuals

Bryan J. Matlen, Benjamin D. Jee, Nina K Simms, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2019

Symmetry: Low-level visual feature or abstract relation?

Ruxue Shao, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2019

The career of measurement

Kensy Cooperrider, D. Gentner

Cognition, 2019

The Coherence Imbalance Hypothesis: A Functional Approach to Asymmetry in Comparison

D. Gentner, Brian F. Bowdle

Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2019

Why do metaphors seem deeper than similes?

Sergey S Zharikov, D. Gentner

Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2019

Comparison within pairs promotes analogical abstraction in three-month-olds

Erin M. Anderson, Yin-Juei Chang, Susan J. Hespos, D. Gentner

Cognition, 2018

Relational Categories: Why they're Important and How they are Learned

D. Gentner, Nina K Simms, K. Kurtz, Garrett Honke, Sean Snoddy, Kenneth D. Forbus, L. Richland, Bryan J. Matlen, E. Lyons, Ellen C. Klostermann

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2018

Same/different relation detection and word production in 4-year-olds

Ruxue Shao, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2018

Supports for Visual Comparison in STEM textbooks

Benjamin D. Jee, Bryan J. Matlen, Nina K Simms, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2018

Where do measurement units come from?

Kensy Cooperrider, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2018

Analogical Abstraction in Three-Month-Olds

Erin M. Anderson, Yin-Juei Chang, Susan J. Hespos, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2017

Analogical gestures foster understanding of causal systems

Kensy Cooperrider, D. Gentner, S. Goldin‐Meadow

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2017

Analogical Inferences in Causal Systems

Matthew Myers, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2017

Analogical Processes in Children’s Understanding of Spatial Representations

Lei Yuan, D. Uttal, D. Gentner

Developmental Psychology, 2017

Analogy and Abstraction

D. Gentner, C. Hoyos

Topics in Cognitive Science, 2017

Children's spontaneous comparisons from 26 to 58 months predict performance in verbal and non-verbal analogy tests in 6th grade

Catriona Silvey, D. Gentner, L. Richland, S. Goldin‐Meadow

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2017

Do Relationality and Aptness Influence Conventionalization?

Francisco Maravilla, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2017

Extending SME to Handle Large-Scale Cognitive Modeling

Kenneth D. Forbus, R. W. Ferguson, A. Lovett, D. Gentner

Cognitive Sciences, 2017

Generating explanations via analogical comparison

C. Hoyos, D. Gentner

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2017

Part-whole categorization is culture-specific

Timothy J. Tilbe, J. Bohnemeyer, Gabriela Perez Baez, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2017

Relational Categories are More Mutable than Entity Categories

Jennifer Asmuth, D. Gentner

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2017

Gesture reveals spatial analogies during complex relational reasoning

Kensy Cooperrider, D. Gentner, S. Goldin‐Meadow

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2016

Rapid Learning in a Children's Museum via Analogical Comparison

D. Gentner, S. Levine, Raedy M. Ping, Ashley Isaia, Sonica Dhillon, C. Bradley, Garrett Honke

Cognitive Sciences, 2016

Sensitivity to Relational Similarity and Object Similarity in Apes and Children

S. Christie, D. Gentner, J. Call, D. Haun

Current Biology, 2016

Spatial analogies pervade complex relational reasoning: Evidence from spontaneous gestures

Kensy Cooperrider, D. Gentner, S. Goldin‐Meadow

Cognitive Research, 2016

Structural Alignment in Incidental Word Learning

Ruxue Shao, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2016

The paradox of relational development: Could language learning be (temporarily) harmful?

C. Hoyos, Ruxue Shao, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2016

Analogical comparison aids false belief understanding in preschoolers

C. Hoyos, W. Horton, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2015

Analogical Processes in Language Learning

Bozena Pajak, Micah B. Goldwater, D. Gentner, Adele E. Goldberg, Ruxue Shao

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2015

Prelinguistic Relational Concepts: Investigating Analogical Processing in Infants.

Alissa Ferry, Susan J. Hespos, D. Gentner

Child Development, 2015

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society

Sven E. Kuehne, D. Gentner, Kenneth D. Forbus


The specificity of the labeling effect on memory: what kinds of labels improve retrieval?

Anja Jamrozik, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2015

Comparing Two Types of Spatial Alignment During Elementary Engineering Instruction

Lauren Applebaum, Gabriel Kalal, Elizabet Spaepen, D. Gentner, S. Goldin‐Meadow, S. Levine

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2014

Drawing on Experience: How Domain Knowledge Is Reflected in Sketches of Scientific Structures and Processes

Benjamin D. Jee, D. Gentner, D. Uttal, B. Sageman, Kenneth D. Forbus, C. Manduca, Carol J. Ormand, T. Shipley, B. Tikoff

Research in Science Education, 2014

Effects of Comparison and Explanation on Analogical Transfer

B. Edwards, J. Williams, D. Gentner, T. Lombrozo

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2014

Language Helps Children Succeed on a Classic Analogy Task

S. Christie, D. Gentner

Cognitive Sciences, 2014

Making sense of the abstract uses of the prepositions in and on

Anja Jamrozik, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2014

Mechanisms of Spatial Learning: Teaching Children Geometric Categories

L. Smith, Raedy M. Ping, Bryan J. Matlen, Micah B. Goldwater, D. Gentner, S. Levine

Spatial Cognition, 2014

Modeling Learning via Progressive Alignment using Interim Generalizations

Subu Kandaswamy, Kenneth D. Forbus, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2014

Relational labels: A simple way to improve the likelihood of relational retrieval

Anja Jamrozik, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2014

Structure Mapping in Visual Comparison: Embodied Correspondence Lines?

Bryan J. Matlen, D. Gentner, S. Franconeri

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2014

The Role of Comparison in Social Cognition

C. Hoyos, D. Gentner, Theodore Bach, A. Meltzoff, S. Christie, Valerie San Juan, Patricia A. Ganea, W. Horton

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2014

The Role of Difference-Detection in Learning Contrastive Categories

L. Smith, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2014

Understanding Micronesian Navigation

D. Gentner, A. Stevens


Analogical Learning and Reasoning

D. Gentner, L. Smith


Comparison and explanation in learning: Children's understanding of a basic engineering principle

C. Hoyos, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2013

Comparison promotes learning and transfer of relational categories.

K. Kurtz, Olga Boukrina, D. Gentner

Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory and Cognition, 2013

Computational and Cognitive Aspects of Narrative

Mark A. Finlayson, Bernhard Fisseni, D. Gentner, Richard Gerrig, B. Löwe, Jeffrey Loewenstein, I. Mani, J. Meister, R. Young

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2013

Detecting anomalous features in complex stimuli: the role of structured comparison.

K. Kurtz, D. Gentner

Journal of experimental psychology. Applied, 2013

Effects of Brief Analogical Training after Two-Week Delay

Micah B. Goldwater, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2013

Encoding time and allocation of attention in analogical development

Nina K Simms, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2013

Finding faults: analogical comparison supports spatial concept learning in geoscience

Benjamin D. Jee, D. Uttal, D. Gentner, C. Manduca, T. Shipley, B. Sageman

Cognitive Processing, 2013

Introduction to the special issue on spatial learning and reasoning processes

T. Shipley, D. Gentner

Cognitive Processing, 2013

Relational labels can improve relational retrieval

Anja Jamrozik, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2013

Relational words have high metaphoric potential

Anja Jamrozik, Eyal Sagi, Micah B. Goldwater, D. Gentner


Relational Words Have High Metaphoric Potential Semantic Signatures for Example-based Linguistic Metaphor Detection Automatic Metaphor Detection Using Large-scale Lexical Resources and Conventional Metaphor Ex- Traction Cross-lingual Metaphor Detection Using Common Semantic Features Identifying Meta

Ekaterina Shutova, S. Argamon, J. Barnden, Gemma Boleda, Ted Briscoe, S. Clark, Anna Feldman, J. Feldman, Michael Flor, Eugenie Giesbrecht, Valia Kordoni, A. Korhonen, Mark G. Lee, Patricia Lichtenstein, James H. Martin, A. Musolff, S. Narayanan, T. Poibeau, T. Veale, Andreas Vlachos, Anja Jamrozik, Eyal Sagi, Micah B. Goldwater, Michael Mohler, D. Bracewell, Marc T. Tomlinson, David R Hinote, Y. Wilks, Adam Dalton, James F. Allen, Lucian, Dirk Hovy, Shashank Shrivastava, Sujay Kumar Jauhar, Mrinmaya Sachan, Kartik Goyal, Huying Li, Whitney E. Sanders, Eduard, Ilana Heintz, Ryan Gabbard, M. Srivastava, D. Barner, Donald Black, Majorie Friedman, T. Strzalkowski, G. Broadwell, Sarah M. Taylor, L. Feldman, Samira Shaikh, Ting Liu, B. Yamrom, Kit Cho, Umit Boz, Ignacio Cases, Kyle Elliot, Yulia Badryzlova, N. Shekhtman, Yekaterina Isaeva, R. Kerimov, Vii, Beata Beigman Klebanov, D. Gentner, Lucian Galescu, Yulia Tsvetkov, E. Mukomel, A. Gershman, E. Hovy, Marissa Friedman, R. Weischedel, Jonathan Dunn


Spatial language facilitates spatial cognition: Evidence from children who lack language input

D. Gentner, A. Özyürek, Özge Gürcanlı, S. Goldin‐Meadow

Cognition, 2013

Structural Alignment in Young Children's Shape Categorization: Different Roles for Learning from Comparisons and Contrasts

Raedy M. Ping, Micah B. Goldwater, Bryan J. Matlen, L. Smith, S. Levine, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2013

The origins of analogy

Alissa Ferry, Susan J. Hespos, Yin-Juei Chang, Emily Hollenbeck, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2013

Causal Systems Categories: Differences in Novice and Expert Categorization of Causal Phenomena

Benjamin M. Rottman, D. Gentner, Micah B. Goldwater

Cognitive Sciences, 2012

Cognitive Approaches for the Semantic Web (Dagstuhl Seminar 12221)

D. Gentner, F. V. Harmelen, P. Hitzler, K. Janowicz, Kai-Uwe Kühnberger

Dagstuhl Reports, 2012

Development Of Language And Thought

S. Christie, D. Gentner


Language and Cognition in Development

SteIIa Christie, D. Gentner


New Frontiers in Computational Models of Grammatical Development

Micah B. Goldwater, Scott E Friedman, D. Gentner, Kenneth D. Forbus, C. Fisher, M. Connor, D. Roth, F. Chang, G. Dell

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2012

New Frontiers in Computational Models of Grammatical Development - eScholarship

Micah B. Goldwater, Scott L. Friedman, D. Gentner, Kenneth D. Forbus, Cynthia Fisher, M. Connor, Daniel B Roth, Franklin Chang, Gary S. Dell


Representational Form and Metaphorical Word Use

Anja Jamrozik, Micah B. Goldwater, Eyal Sagi, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2012

The role of comparison in structure learning: Developmental, learning science, and computational perspectives

S. Christie, D. Gentner, M. Imai, Etsuko Haryu, Hiroyuki Okada, Ji Y. Son, J. Stigler, L. Doumas, R. Morrison, L. Richland

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2012

Using Spatial Analogy to Facilitate Graph Learning

L. Smith, D. Gentner

Spatial Cognition, 2012

What Difference Reveals About Similarity

Eyal Sagi, D. Gentner, A. Lovett

Cognitive Sciences, 2012

Analogy and Explanation in Learning Causal System Categories

Micah B. Goldwater, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2011

Computational models of analogy.

D. Gentner, Kenneth D. Forbus

Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 2011

Modeling structural priming in sentence production via analogical processes

Jason Taylor, Scott E Friedman, Micah B. Goldwater, Kenneth D. Forbus, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2011

Prepositions in and on retain aspects of spatial meaning in abstract contexts

Anja Jamrozik, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2011

Structural Alignment in Learning Bridge Construction

Lauren Applebaum, Elizabet Spaepen, D. Gentner, S. Levine, S. Goldin‐Meadow

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2011

Structure mapping and relational language support children's learning of relational categories.

D. Gentner, F. Anggoro, Raquel S. Klibanoff

Child Development, 2011

Structure-Mapping in Metaphor Comprehension

P. Wolff, D. Gentner

Cognitive Sciences, 2011

The Development of Spatial Cognition During Childhood: Extending Understanding of Perception, Memory, Language, Maps, and Gestures

Anne R. Schutte, Heidi Fleharty, A. Hund, D. Uttal, Megan Sauter, Nina K Simms, D. Gentner

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2011

Commentary: Analogical Thinking in Geoscience Education

Benjamin D. Jee, D. Uttal, D. Gentner, C. Manduca, T. Shipley, B. Tikoff, Carol J. Ormand, B. Sageman


Mutual bootstrapping between language and analogical processing

D. Gentner, S. Christie

Language and Cognition, 2010

Psychology in Cognitive Science: 1978-2038

D. Gentner

Topics in Cognitive Science, 2010

The role of comparison in preschoolers' novel object categorization.

S. Graham, L. Namy, D. Gentner, K. Meagher

Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2010


Morteza Dehghani, D. Gentner, Ken Forbus, H. Ekhtiari, Sonya S. Sachdeva


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D. Gentner, Brian F. Bowdle


Analogy and moral decision making

Morteza Dehghani, D. Gentner, Kenneth D. Forbus, H. Ekhtiari, Sonya S. Sachdeva


Dark knowledge in qualitative reasoning: A call to arms

Kenneth D. Forbus, D. Gentner


Does language about similarity play a role in fostering similarity comparison in children?

Ş. Özçalışkan, S. Goldin‐Meadow, D. Gentner, Carolyn Mylander

Cognition, 2009

Drawing on Experience: Use of Sketching to Evaluate Knowledge of Spatial Scientific Concepts

Benjamin D. Jee, D. Gentner, Kenneth D. Forbus, B. Sageman, D. Uttal


Effects of Language and Similarity on Comparison Processing

S. Gelman, L. Raman, D. Gentner

Language Learning and Development, 2009

Inference processes in causal analogies

Julie Colhoun, D. Gentner


Modeling perceptual similarity as analogy resolves the paradox of difference detection

A. Lovett, Eyal Sagi, D. Gentner, Kenneth D. Forbus


Models and Analogies in Conceptual Restructuring

T. Arabatzis, J. Clement, D. Gentner, N. Nersessian, S. Vosniadou


Relational Language Helps Children Reason Analogically

D. Gentner, Nina K Simms, S. Flusberg


Reviving Inert Knowledge: Analogical Abstraction Supports Relational Retrieval of Past Events

D. Gentner, Jeffrey Loewenstein, Leigh Thompson, Kenneth D. Forbus

Cognitive Sciences, 2009

Spatial language supports spatial cognition: Evidence from deaf homesigners [abstract]

S. Goldin‐Meadow, D. Gentner, Asli Ozyurek, Ozge Gurcanli



D. Gentner, Jeffrey Loewenstein, S. Christie, S. Goldin‐Meadow, Asle Ozyürek, Ozge, Gurcanli

Cognitive Processing, 2009

The role of cultural narratives in moral decision-making

Morteza Dehghani, H. Ekhtiari, Kenneth D. Forbus, D. Gentner, Sonya S. Sachdeva


Using analogical mapping to simulate time-course phenomena in perceptual similarity

A. Lovett, D. Gentner, Kenneth D. Forbus, Eyal Sagi

Cognitive Systems Research, 2009

Using structural alignment to facilitate learning of spatial concepts in an informal setting

D. Gentner, S. Levine, Sonica Dhillon, Ashley Poltermann


Analogy as a mechanism of comparison

A. Lovett, andrew-lovett, Eyal Sagi, D. Gentner


CogSci 2008 30th Anniversary Symposia

John R. Anderson, J. McClelland, Linda B. Smith, E. Hutchins, L. Barsalou, D. Gentner, Kenneth D. Forbus, W. Bechtel, E. Newport, D. Medin


CogSci 2008 30th Anniversary Symposia - eScholarship

John R. Anderson, James L. McClelland, Linda B. Smith, E. Hutchins, L. Barsalou, D. Gentner, Kenneth D. Forbus, W. Bechtel, E. Newport, D. Medin


Developmental changes in children's understanding of the similarity between photographs and their referents.

D. Uttal, D. Gentner, Linda L. Liu, Alison R. Lewis

Developmental Science, 2008

Learning about Space

D. Gentner

Spatial Cognition, 2008


D. Gentner, Jeffrey Loewenstein, Joseph P. Magliano, B. H. Pillow


Metaphor as structure-mapping

D. Gentner, Brian F. Bowdle


Relational language supports relational cognition in humans and apes

D. Gentner, S. Christie

Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2008

Activities : Peadino Skills : Teaching Guides : Teaching Techniques : * Writing Skills

Spons Agency, Pub. Date, Andee Rubin, Jill LaZansky, Philip Cohen, A. Collins, D. Gentner


Auditory presentation leads to better analogical retrieval than written presentation

A. Markman, E. Taylor, D. Gentner

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2007

Comparison Facilitates Children's Learning of Names for Parts

D. Gentner, Jeffrey Loewenstein, Barbara Hung


Conceptual centrality and the role of comparison

Jason T. Jameson, D. Gentner


Development of Analogy

D. Gentner, C. Toupin


Nonintentional analogical inference in text comprehension

Samuel B. Day, D. Gentner

Memory & Cognition, 2007

Spatial cognition in apes and humans

D. Gentner

Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2007

Spatial language influences memory for spatial scenes

Michele I. Feist, D. Gentner

Memory & Cognition, 2007

1 Introduction : The Place of Analogy in Cognition

K. Holyoak, D. Gentner, B. Kokinov



Janice Skorstad, D. Gentner, D. Medin


Metaphor Processing, Psychology of

D. Gentner, Brian F. Bowdle


Naming motion events in Spanish and English

Paula Cifuentes-Férez, D. Gentner


Relations, Objects, and the Composition of Analogies

D. Gentner, K. Kurtz

Cognitive Sciences, 2006

The Verb Mutability Effect: Noun and Verb Semantics in English and Japanese

Jennifer Asmuth, Caitlin M. Fausey, D. Gentner, Hanako Yoshida


Why verbs are hard to learn

D. Gentner


Clarifying the Role of Alignability in Similarity Comparisons

Jason T. Jameson, D. Gentner, Samuel B. Day, S. Christie, Julie Colhoun, Daniel M. Bartels


Defining structural similarity

D. Gentner, A. Markman


How to Go from Nest to Home: Children's Learning of Relational Categories

F. Anggoro, D. Gentner, Raquel S. Klimbanoff


Introduction : The Place of Analogy in Cognition

K. Holyoak, D. Gentner, B. Kokinov


Language and Cognition

D. Gentner, L. Gleitman, B. Landau, W. Levelt, A. Papafragou


Nonintentional similarity processing

A. Markman, D. Gentner


Relational language and the development of relational mapping

Jeffrey Loewenstein, D. Gentner

Cognitive Psychology, 2005

The career of metaphor.

Brian F. Bowdle, D. Gentner

Psychology Review, 2005

5 Nonintentional Similarity Processing

A. Markman, D. Gentner


8 Why We ' re So Smart

D. Gentner


Journal of The Cognitive Science Society

R. Goldstone, John R. Anderson, N. Chater, A. Clark, S. Edelman, Kenneth D. Forbus, D. Gentner, R. Gibbs, J. Greeno, R. Jacobs


Proceedings of the 26th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society

Kenneth D. Forbus, D. Gentner, T. Regier


Analogical Inference in Automatic Interpretation

Samuel B. Day, D. Gentner


A Theory of Rerepresentation in Analogical Matching

Jin Yan, Kenneth D. Forbus, D. Gentner


Factors Involved in the Use of In and On

Michele I. Feist, D. Gentner


Learning and Transfer: A General Role for Analogical Encoding

D. Gentner, Jeffrey Loewenstein, Leigh Thompson


What makes us smart? Core knowledge and natural language

E. Spelke, D. Gentner, S. Goldin‐Meadow


Why we’re so smart

D. Gentner


Analogy-based reasoning and metaphor

D. Gentner, A. Markman


Chapter 4 Relational Language and Relational Thought

D. Gentner, Jeffrey Loewenstein


Exhuming similarity

D. Gentner


Making a silk purse out of two sow's ears: young children's use of comparison in category learning.

L. Namy, D. Gentner

Journal of experimental psychology. General, 2002

Relational language and relational thought

D. Gentner, Jeffrey Loewenstein


The Place of Analogy in Cognition

K. Holyoak, D. Gentner, B. Kokinov


Two Forces in the Development of Relational Similarity

D. Gentner, M. J. Rattermann, A. Markman, Laura Kotovsky


Convention, Form, and Figurative Language Processing

D. Gentner, Brian F. Bowdle


Metaphor is like analogy

D. Gentner, Brian F. Bowdle, P. Wolff, C. Boronat


Structural alignment facilitates the noticing of differences

D. Gentner, V. Gunn

Memory & Cognition, 2001

The analogical mind : perspectives from cognitive science

D. Gentner, K. Holyoak, B. Kokinov


Evidence for role-neutral initial processing of metaphors.

P. Wolff, D. Gentner

Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory and Cognition, 2000

Metaphor and knowledge change

D. Gentner, P. Wolff


Modeling Infant Learning via Symbolic Structural Alignment

Sven E. Kuehne, D. Gentner, Kenneth D. Forbus


Modeling infant learning via symbolic structural alignment - eScholarship

Sven E. Kuehne, D. Gentner, Kenneth D. Forbus


Reasoning from shared structure

S. Blok, D. Gentner


SEQL: Category learning as progressive abstraction using structure mapping

Sven E. Kuehne, Kenneth D. Forbus, D. Gentner


Structure mapping in the comparison process.

A. Markman, D. Gentner

American Journal of Psychology, 2000

Analogical encoding facilitates knowledge transfer in negotiation

Jeffrey Loewenstein, Leigh Thompson, D. Gentner

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1999

Chapter 4 – Reasoning1

K. Kurtz, D. Gentner, V. Gunn


Lessons from Analogical Reasoning in the Teaching of Negotiation

J. Gillespie, Leigh Thompson, Jeffrey Loewenstein, D. Gentner


Reasoning: Handbook of Perception and Cognition

Kenneth J. Kurtz, D. Gentner, Virginia Gunn


Analogy-based reasoning

D. Gentner, A. Markman


Analogy just looks like high level perception: why a domain-general approach to analogical mapping is right

Kenneth D. Forbus, D. Gentner, A. Markman, R. W. Ferguson

Journal of experimental and theoretical artificial intelligence (Print), 1998

Barsalou, LW, 231

L. Bosch, S. Cappa, Nick Chater, I. Choi, J. Daléry, E. Daprati, N. Franck, D. Gentner, N. Georgieff, R. Goldstone


Efforts to Encourage Multidisciplinarity in the Cognitive Science Society.

J. Greeno, W. Clancey, Clayton Lewis, Mark S. Seidenberg, S. Derry, M. Gernsbacher, P. Langley, M. Shafto, D. Gentner, A. Lesgold, C. Seifert

Cognitive Sciences, 1998

Similarity and the development of rules

D. Gentner, José Medina

Cognition, 1998

Alignment in the Processing of Metaphor

D. Gentner, P. Wolff


Analogical Reasoning and Conceptual Change: A Case Study of Johannes Kepler

D. Gentner, Sarah K. Brem, R. W. Ferguson, A. Markman, Bjorn B. Levidow, P. Wolff, Kenneth D. Forbus


Analogy and creativity in the works of Johannes Kepler

D. Gentner, Sarah K. Brem, R. W. Ferguson, P. Wolff, A. Markman, Kenneth D. Forbus


Informativity and Asymmetry in Comparisons

Brian F. Bowdle, D. Gentner

Cognitive Psychology, 1997

On the Proper Treatment of Noun-Noun Metaphor: A Critique of the Sapper Model

R. W. Ferguson, Kenneth D. Forbus, D. Gentner


Qualitative Mental Models: Simulations or Memories?

Kenneth D. Forbus, D. Gentner


Reasoning and learning by analogy.

D. Gentner, K. Holyoak

American Psychologist, 1997

Structure mapping in analogy and similarity.

D. Gentner, A. Markman


Commonalities and differences in similarity comparisons

A. Markman, D. Gentner

Memory & Cognition, 1996

Modeling Qualitative Differences in Symmetry Judgments

R. W. Ferguson, A. Aminoff, D. Gentner


MAC/FAC: A Model of Similarity-Based Retrieval

Kenneth D. Forbus, D. Gentner, K. Law

Cognitive Sciences, 1995

Similarity in Language, Thought and Perception

C. Cacciari, D. Gentner


MACIFAC: A Model of Si~ i~ ari~-~ s~ Retrieval

Kenneth D. Forsus, D. Gentner, L. A. W. Keith


Publications received

G. Hirst, De, R. Bod, J. Hay, Stefanie Jannedy, D. Fensel, J. Hendler, H. Lieberman, W. Wahlster, D. Gentner, S. Goldin‐Meadow, Orin Hargraves, T. Joachims, Paola Merlo, S. Stevenson, J. Benjamins

International Conference on Computational Logic, 1993

Respects for similarity

D. Medin, R. Goldstone, D. Gentner


Structural Alignment during Similarity Comparisons

A. Markman, D. Gentner

Cognitive Psychology, 1993

The Roles of Similarity in Transfer: Separating Retrievability From Inferential Soundness

D. Gentner, M. J. Rattermann, Kenneth D. Forbus

Cognitive Psychology, 1993

Inferential aspects and judgment under uncertainty.

A. Tversky, D. Kahneman, D. Gentner, A. Collins, Baruch Fischhoff, Stephen J. Hoch, George Loewenstein


in Analogical Napping

D. Gentner


Language and the career of similarity.

D. Gentner, M. J. Rattermann


Relational similarity and the nonindependence of features in similarity judgments

Robert L. Goldstone, D. Medin, D. Gentner

Cognitive Psychology, 1991

Similarity-based cognitive architecture

Kenneth D. Forbus, D. Gentner

SGAR, 1991

Systematicity as a Selection Constraint in Analogical Mapping

C. Clement, D. Gentner

Cognitive Sciences, 1991

A Note on "Creativity and Learning in a Case-Based Explainer"

D. Gentner, Kenneth D. Forbus

Artificial Intelligence, 1990

Semantic constraints on lexical categories

William Nagy, D. Gentner


Causal reasoning about quantities

Kenneth D. Forbus, D. Gentner


Multiple models of evaporation processes

A. Collins, D. Gentner



I. Urbana-Champaign, D. Gentner, J. Armstrong, L. Asmussen, Gerald Arnold, Yahaya Bello, Diane Bottomley, Catherine A. Burnham, Candace Clark, M. Commeyras, John M. Consalvi, C. Currie, Irene-Anna N. Diakidoy, Robert T. Jiménez, Bonnie M. Kerr, Paul W. Kerr, K. Ohtsuka, K. Reimer, H. Shu, Anne C. Stallman, M. Waggoner, Janelle Weinzierl, P. Winsor, Delores Plowman, Debra Gough


Structural Evaluation of Analogies : What Counts?

Kenneth D. Forbus, D. Gentner


The Structure-Mapping Engine: Algorithm and Examples

Brian Falkenhainer, Kenneth D. Forbus, D. Gentner

Artificial Intelligence, 1989

Analogical mapping during similarity judgments

M. Kaufmann, Los Altos, C. Markman, D. Gentner


Transfer of training as analogical mapping

R. Schumacher, D. Gentner

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1988

Viewing Metaphor as Analogy

D. Gentner, Brian Falkenhainer, Janice Skorstad


Analogical Processing: A Simulation and Empirical Corroboration

Janice Skorstad, Brian Falkenhainer, D. Gentner

AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1987

Metaphor: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

D. Gentner, Bdan Faikenhain

Theoretical Issues In Natural Language Processing, 1987


D. Gentner, Brian Falkenhainer, -Ken Forbus


Analogical access-a good match is hard to find. 2

D. Gentner, R. Landers, Mj Ratterman


Systematicity and Surface Similarity in the Development of Analogy

D. Gentner, C. Toupin

Cognitive Sciences, 1986

The Structure-Mapping Engine

Brian Falkenhainer, Kenneth D. Forbus, D. Gentner

AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1986

Mental Models

D. Gentner


Structure-Mapping: A Theoretical Framework for Analogy

D. Gentner

Cognitive Sciences, 1983

Structure-mapping: A theoretical framework for analogy.

D. Gentner

Cognitive Science, issue 7, 1982, pp. 155-170

Three perspectives on writing

Bertram C. Bruce, A. Collins, Ann D. Rubin, D. Gentner


Studies of inference from lack of knowledge

D. Gentner, A. Collins

Memory & Cognition, 1981

A framework for a cognitive theory of writing

A. Collins, D. Gentner


Problems and techniques of text-analysis

G. Green, Robert N. Kantor, J. Morgan, N. Stein, G. Hermon, R. Salzillo, M. Sellner, Bertram C. Bruce, D. Gentner, B. Webber


Progress Report 3 on the BBN Group of the Center for the Study of Reading

Bertram C. Bruce, M. Adams, Philip R. Cohen, A. Collins, J. Frederiksen, D. Gentner, Andee Rubin, Edward E. Smith, B. J. Starr, Kathleen Starr, Cindy Steinberg


Behold the Behemoth.

D. Gentner


Language Representation: Papers presented in two sessions of TINLAP-2

D. Gentner, B. Webber

International Conference on Computational Logic, 1978

Testing The Psychological Reality of a Representational Model

D. Gentner

Theoretical Issues In Natural Language Processing, 1978

Testing the Psychological Reality of a Representation Model

D. Gentner

International Conference on Computational Logic, 1978

Playing with Words.

D. Gentner



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